Sunday 30 December 2012

Author's Methods continued

Practice question for you guys: What methods are used by Golding to convey the idea that the boys are slowly using their identity.

The idea of moving from lack of understanding to understanding, from ignorance to enlightenment is a concept that is often explored in a variety of texts from 'Twilight' to 'The Day of the Triffids'.  This idea is used in Shakespeare's 'King Lear', in Ridley Scott's 'Alien' and a score of other texts.  Can you think of any?

In all these texts, their authors use various methods to explore the transition from unknowing to knowing.  It is important that you identify them in whatever text we're studying; you may think of them under the term 'technique'.  Think of similes, metaphors, alliteration, patterns in structure, imagery.

Use the board below to get you started.  It maps some ideas on imagery, specifically the imagery of light and dark, but for a better response do not confine yourself to a single method.

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